One of the key means of building a sustainable brand is to create an internal brand school within your organization, one where your employees are your students. This organization within an organization will help to define and foster ownership of your brand. This in turn will trickle down to your customer.
- Focus company energies on building relationships (not just a laundry list of product features). Survey your customers for areas of success and needed improvement. Create a strategy for raising the level of client-centricity. Establish that the company is ready to evolve to this end.
- Invest in great employees. Employees today are increasingly seeking more than just straight compensation. They’re looking for greater meaning and purpose in their careers. By increasing your employee satisfaction, you’ll give your clients a better brand experience.
- Make building a better brand a company-wide mission. Don’t just limit this to the sales force or the other branches directly in touch with your customer. From the CEO down to the janitor, all need to be the brand’s best spokespersons, aligned behind the same values and message. Lastly, just as educational institutions do, reward those who are successful with recognition.
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